start to tecnology: HOW TO EXERCISE THE BRAIN


miércoles, 4 de febrero de 2015



the brain is one of the most important organs of the human not to say the most important being, at least would be in the top 3. and this is the one that controls all the functions of the body such as complexity, origin and functioning of thought, memory, softy emotions and languages.

and as the organ that controls up as we live our lives is important and even logical that we try to keep the best performance marrow function at 110%. for that there are several methods that serve this purpose.


first thing you should know is that this optimum brain must eat right and exercise. I'll tell you below some tips to exercise your brain and take it where you want to have.

·         TRAINING MEMORY to achieve this there are many things we can use that are in our environment such as solving crossword puzzles from the newspaper, go to work or home in different places than we used normally as this challenges the brain to get out than usual, learn both the names of your colleagues and their positions, learn another language and play a musical instrument as well as reading as this active musical notes and streamlines memory functions.

·         TRAINING EXERCISE YOUR LOGIC in some sort of discussion and / or conversation always comes to having your own personal opinion, think well about it and what you think is better because it helps to think with logic.

  • MENTAL AGILITY achieve this is really important because we can make decisions in the minimum amount of time and also successful because the brain will be working at full steam, but this alone is also achieved thanks to the previous methods because together train the brain.

for facillitar this, thanks to technology or software applications exist that can have a hand either on their smartphone, tablet, computer etc .... these applications have their appeal as not only speed up the brain but also can be very entertaining.

so no excuses because you can download applications in ANDROID and IOS apple either chess, cards, logic and more.

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